If you stood me in a line-up of moms you would be hard pressed to pick me out as the one who homeschools. Exhibit A: My Report Card. Not exactly stellar. I never once brought home a report card in my adolescent years that made me think, "Wow, I can't keep all this brain power to myself I must past it on to the next generation." Exhibit B: I'm Vain. I'm not one to throw on a baseball cap, no make-up, hair undone, ready for any adventure that happened my way, which was my previous perception of a homeschool mom. Every day before I start teaching I get ready. I mean really ready, pencil skirt and pearls ready. Don't get me wrong I do have casual days as well, but not many. Exhibit C: I own a book entitled "How to Live with Kids and Enjoy It", and I've read it. Twice. Finally, one you might not think pertinent to making the case against me but trust me when homeschooling I've learned it is a biggy. Exhibit E: I am not laid back, at all. So much so that I'm not comfortable in a Lazy Boy chair :).
Yet somehow here I am. The greatest part about homeschooling my children is that I get to work out the very things that I thought didn't qualify me to do so. I'm learning a great deal, not only through the lesson books but through the life lessons that I'm racking up. It is like parenting on steroids. I'm learning that it is okay to let your hair down every once in a while and "unstring the bow". Sometimes I feel like Bear Grylls and am using survival tactics as I go along but I'm doing it and they are too, after all it can't be easy on them to be taught by the most unlikely of homeschooling moms.

Yet somehow here I am. The greatest part about homeschooling my children is that I get to work out the very things that I thought didn't qualify me to do so. I'm learning a great deal, not only through the lesson books but through the life lessons that I'm racking up. It is like parenting on steroids. I'm learning that it is okay to let your hair down every once in a while and "unstring the bow". Sometimes I feel like Bear Grylls and am using survival tactics as I go along but I'm doing it and they are too, after all it can't be easy on them to be taught by the most unlikely of homeschooling moms.
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